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AM136 NGC Ch AU Alexander The Great 331-310 BC (Philip III) Silver Tetradrachm Greek Ancient coin

1 Available • Coins, other ∙ Silver
$900.00 + shipping & taxes

Product Details

Greek CYPRUS, Salamis. Nikokreon. Circa 331-310 BC. AR Tetradrachm (25.5mm, 17.22g). In the name of Philip III of Macedon, the types of Alexander III. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; rudder in left field. Cf. Zapiti & Michaelidou 29; Price P129; Newell, Some 13.

Product TypeCoins, other
Precious Metal Weight17.22g
GradeAU 58

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The absolute best authenticity guaranteed ancient coins and antiquities, as well as the ONLY ancients-exclusive stream on WhatNot! Nothing but ancients!! 📚 More in stream history than anywhere else! 📝 The most detailed and accurate custom made information tickets on any platform included with every coin! My goals are to provide the most complete and enjoyable ancient coin buying experience anywhere, to help others grow their collections, as well as appreciate the beauty and history of these amazing little pieces of art! Journey with me into the hobby of kings!
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Created on 3/11/24