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Fujifilm FinePix S2950 digital camera with 14 megapixels. 26

1 Available • Used & Tested ∙ Cameras
$60.00 + shipping & taxes
5.097 sold
16 ratings

Product Details

Fujifilm FinePix S2950 digital camera with 14 megapixels. This camera is in good condition, perfect for capturing high-quality images with superb clarity and detail. It features a powerful zoom lens, image stabilization technology, and various shooting modes for both beginners and experienced photographers. Whether you are capturing landscapes, portraits, or action shots, this camera delivers stunning results every time. Don't miss out on your chance to own this fantastic camera. Capture your memories in style with the Fujifilm FinePix S2950!


About the Seller

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In a small town called Arvada, there lived a quirky and adventurous grandpa named David. Also known as "Crazy Grandpa," for his wild stories, mischievous jokes, and his knack for finding the best deals in town. He had a special talent for spotting unique and valuable items that others overlooked. One day, David stumbled upon a few online marketplaces and decided to become a seller. With his vast collection of oddities and treasures, he knew he had something special to offer. Davids friends were so excited to support him and spread the word about his stores. As David set up his virtual shop's, he carefully photographed each item, added witty descriptions, and priced them fairly. Now the rest is history!
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Created on 3/14/24