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Money Tree 'Guiana Chestnut' Pachira Braid

12 Available
$18.00 + shipping & taxes

Product Details

Native to central and South America, the Money Tree is a braided tree that can grow up to 6-8 feet indoors or be trained as a bonsai. In east Asia, the Money Tree is often used by those who practice Feng Shui to bring positive "Chi", or energy, into the room, thus being a popular housewarming gift. On top of that, it is a hardy plant that requires relatively low maintenance. It can tolerate direct sunlight, but prefers bright indirect light, lots of water, and warm temperatures.

About the Seller

Dirt Bag is an indoor plant shop locally owned and operated out of the Montrose neighborhood in Houston, TX. Our space is filled with handmade ceramic and terra cotta planters, premium plants and small batch soil mixes for indoor cacti, succulent and tropical house plants. At Dirt Bag, our goal is to unify plants and people while simtaneously supporting and sustaining local growers, makers and ceramicists.
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Created on 4/21/24