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Enchanted Jars - Ten of Cups

1 Available
$25.00 + shipping & taxes

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Metaphysical Tools For Your Highest Good

About the Seller

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Greetings! I’m Gina Spencer, a devoted practitioner of the metaphysical arts. I’ve mastered alchemy, crystal healing, and embraced my role as a priestess. With a heart full of wonder, I love exploring the esoteric and diving into the mysteries beyond the ordinary. When not weaving spells or channeling energies, you’ll find me immersed in a good book or crafting my next artistic masterpiece. I’m a jack of all trades in arts and crafts, eager to create and express. Teaching unconventional subjects is a joy, igniting curiosity and expanding minds. I cherish time with my family and beloved hubby. Though often a loner, I’m a happy, friendly soul, always open to connect. If you have questions you can email me at [email protected].🔮🪄
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Created on 4/21/24