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🏆oFFiCiaL 🏆 SuPeR BowL LII 🏟 CoMMeMoRaTiVe 🦅 JaCKeT 🧥

1 Available
$599.00 + shipping + taxes

Product Details

💯% AuTHeNTiC SuPeR RaRe 😯 MiNNeSoTa 2018 PHiLaDeLPHia EaGLeS 🦅 eDiTioN CuSToM ✂️ 1 of 1 CuSToMiZeD With LiMiTeD eDiTioN LiCeNSeD and NuMBeReD NFL PiNs 📌 aLoNG WiTH eXCLuSiVe PHiLaDeLPHia EaGLeS 🦅 CHaMPioNSHiP DaY PaRaDe MeMoRaBiLia you could only acquire if you attended the parade no one has this jacket 🧥 with these pins you will not FiND ANoTHeR PieCe LiKe THiS in aDDiTioN with your purchase of this Jacket 🧥 you will receive a matching SNaPBaCK 🫰 CuSToMiZeD with CHaMPioNSHiP PiNs If that's not enough you'll also receive a PlaYoFF GaMe DaY ToWeL DateD 📆 And Super bowl LII Game-day ticket 🪪 Lanyard GeMs 💎 THiS iS FoR THe ONe's☝🏼 THaT BLeeD GReeN 🦅 OwN a PieCe oF HiSToRY ReTaiL: $600.00 UNiSeX SiZe LarGe Condition: LiKe NeW ⚠️ CuSToMiZeD

About the Seller

Getting your Drip💧From SomeWhere Else “FoGettaBoutiT” Pauly Vintage🤘🏾Home🏚of da DeadStock💀⚰️& Drip💧 Drops ☔️ Follow the 💧 @Pauly_ViNTaGe
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Created on 9/6/22