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Trading Places Paramount Presents New Remaster (Blu-ray, 1983)

1 Available
$14.00 + shipping & taxes

Product Details

This is a Blu-ray version of "Trading Places" from 1983, directed by John Landis. The film stars Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd in a comedy about a social experiment involving a wealthy broker and a poor con artist. This version comes with French, German, Japanese, and English language options, as well as English, French, and Japanese subtitles. Produced by Aaron Russo and released by Paramount, this movie is a classic in the comedy genre. It is rated R and has a runtime of 116 minutes. If you're a fan of Eddie Murphy or Dan Aykroyd, or just looking for a good laugh, "Trading Places" is a must-see.

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Created on 5/22/24