(Purchased directly from Playful Gorilla) Introducing the Chaos Minis mini-figure series created and designed by artist Joe Ledbetter and produced by The Loyal Subjects. The Chaos Bunnies are a collection of characters and vinyl figures created and designed by Joe Ledbetter (aka J.Led). Under many iterations and names over the years, the Chaos Bunnies have been prevalent characters in J.Led’s paintings, prints, and toy designs since 2004. With as many variations of his signature bunny character as can be imagined, the possibilities are truly endless. The Chaos Bunnies play with ideas of over-population, individuality, alienation, enlightenment, and unadulterated joy. Not only is this project a labor of love, but a carefully designed art piece, a celebration of collectables, and a love letter to favorite childhood action figures. These bunnies might be super cute, but don’t forget they’re still wild animals from a distant planet.