Bring Christmas To 1 Underprivileged Child and their family In Philippines
$20.00 + shipping + taxes
poultrypeteshouseofcards is on vacation.
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Product Details
Each year I bring Christmas JOY to children and their families in a remote village of the Philippines. I started this charity 4 years ago serving 47 children and their families, this year is our fifth year and we now have over 100 children and their families. With your donation we can do even more ! CHOOSE LOCAL PICK UP TO AVOID SHIPPING FEES
About the Seller
*A message from a customer* "Your energy, your generosity and your drive to help those in need is truly inspiring. I feel like the Henhouse is much more then all of us think. I think it helps all our souls and makes all of us a little bit better in our journey👋🖖🙃" Come visit us in the Henhouse and find out for yourself what we are all about. Buck Buck Mother Cluckers 🐓🐔
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Created on 10/16/24