Base cards shipped with sapphire breaks but I thought base cards would also be shipped in this case since they can be worth some depending on the character.
I didn’t receive any of the cards for the 2 characters purchased and there were cards for those characters during the break. This purchase was combined with my second buy which I did receive so it says this order was delivered but that is false.
Unfortunately something went very wrong. I've always wanted to get into a break with Backyard. Who wouldn't want to rip with the biggest and baddest team in the land. I got the Bill/Raptors/Jays. They were ripping football boxes. Someone I got a team bag with 9 random Bowman 1st cards. Not a product they were even discussing. Not teams from the cities I paid for. I'm a realist and I understand the risk but $100 is a lot of money to some folks especially me. what I got is the kind of thing you find in a hobby shop in the FERDA section for kids. Disappointed is an understatement. Would you be kind enough to refund me and we can go our separate ways?