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PEPKICN Guitar Style Grilling Spatula & Tongs

1 Available
$17.00 + shipping & taxes
5.08 sold
1 ratings

Product Details

Rock guitar style, perfect gift for every music loving BBQ enthusiast. Durable, rust-resistant, stainless steel construction.The width of the spatula end (10cm) makes it easy to flip any burger or BBQ ribs. Long handle keeps hands safely away from grill. Smooth wooden handle. Ergonomic design,provides a comfortable grip Food wipes off of the stainless steel easily, leaving you with the same shiny tools you started with. Package includes: - 1*Guitar style BBQ spatula - 1*Guitar style BBQ tongs - 1 electric guitar shape bottle opener - 1 acoustic guitar shape bottle opener.

About the Seller

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Just a Canadian mom that lives in SWFL loving on my plants and the people I care about 💕 Mostly selling plants, but sometimes have other items as well such as clothing or kid items. ☺️ Slowly but surely I will get all my listings up - stay tuned my friends!!
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Created on 4/21/24