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Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue 4 Leaf Starter

1 Available
$4.00 + shipping & taxes
5.08 sold
1 ratings

Product Details

The Cebu Blue Pothos with its silvery-blue leaves and easygoing nature, is an excellent plant for a hanging basket, or it can be allowed to cascade over a shelf edge. The trailing vines can also be trained to grow up a moss pole if you want to to grow larger leaves. The Cebu Blue is looking for a brightly lit location in or outside of your home. I've found this to be a moderately thirsty houseplant. It will dry out reasonably fast even if the light levels are on the lower side. It does best with a period of drying out between waterings. You just need to subject it to the right amount of light and water. Pot it in a well draining soil. It does like humidity but can cope well in regular home environments. Fertilizing only needs to be done during the growing season, around two times per month. Multiple available. *Mother Plant Pictured for reference / Not for sale*

About the Seller

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Just a Canadian mom that lives in SWFL loving on my plants and the people I care about 💕 Mostly selling plants, but sometimes have other items as well such as clothing or kid items. ☺️ Slowly but surely I will get all my listings up - stay tuned my friends!!
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Created on 4/12/24