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Manjula Pothos (Epipremnum aureum ‘Manjula’)

1 Available
$11.00 + shipping & taxes
5.08 sold
1 ratings

Product Details

The Manjula Pothos is a vining houseplant from SE Asia. Its glossy, dark-green leaves are adorned with marbled white and yellow variegation, creating a striking appearance. CARE: Place your Manjula Pothos in an area with bright, indirect light or a few hours of sunlight per day. Plant you Pothos in a well-draining potting mix. Standard indoor potting soil works well, but adding some extra perlite for better drainage is advisable. Allow the top 2 to 3 inches of soil to dry out between waterings. Manjula Pothos is resilient and can withstand occasional neglect, bouncing back easily if you forget to water it. Standard household temperature and humidity levels are perfect. For more vigorous growth, provide some extra humidity by placing it in a humid room or near a humidifier. Avoid exposing it to cold drafts during winter. Remember that this delightful houseplant is TOXIC to both people and pets, so keep it out of reach 2. Enjoy your Manjula Pothos, also known as the “Happy Leaf”!

About the Seller

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Just a Canadian mom that lives in SWFL loving on my plants and the people I care about 💕 Mostly selling plants, but sometimes have other items as well such as clothing or kid items. ☺️ Slowly but surely I will get all my listings up - stay tuned my friends!!
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Created on 4/14/24