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Hoya Carnosa Jade Light Splash

1 Available
$10.00 + shipping & taxes
5.08 sold
1 ratings

Product Details

Jade Hoya, also known as Hoya carnosa, is a popular houseplant that is easy to care for. Jade Hoya is its low-maintenance nature, which makes it a favorite among plant enthusiasts. Common name(s) are Wax plant, porcelainflower, Hindu rope plant. Height and spread up to 5 feet (hanging, indoors) long and 2 feet wide. Light Bright indirect sunlight. Soil type: Gritty and well-draining soil preferred. Water when plant is dry halfway. This plant is easy to care for, and with a little attention and effort, it can thrive in your home for years to come.

About the Seller

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Just a Canadian mom that lives in SWFL loving on my plants and the people I care about 💕 Mostly selling plants, but sometimes have other items as well such as clothing or kid items. ☺️ Slowly but surely I will get all my listings up - stay tuned my friends!!
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Created on 4/14/24