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Begonia T Rex Stardust

1 Available
$7.00 + shipping & taxes
5.08 sold
1 ratings

Product Details

A galaxy of colors on a marvelous plant. Fresh green, burgundy and violet foliage, stippled and spotted with cream colored dots. Large, mounding habit. Great for use indoors or as a landscape plant.The main care requirements for growing rex begonia: Light: Provide rex begonias with plenty of bright, indirect sun, but keep them out of direct sunlight. Water: Keep the plant moist, but avoid overwatering. Allow the soil to dry partially between waterings. Temperature: Place the plant in an area with temperatures between 60°F and 70°F.

About the Seller

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Just a Canadian mom that lives in SWFL loving on my plants and the people I care about 💕 Mostly selling plants, but sometimes have other items as well such as clothing or kid items. ☺️ Slowly but surely I will get all my listings up - stay tuned my friends!!
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